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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Case Study #2: Bautista - De Leon Law Firm

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Case Study # 2: Bautista – De Leon Law Firm
The Bautista-De Leon Law firm has been an authority when it comes to handling cases that are sensitive as their main clients are celebrities and politicians. The lawyers under the firm are:
1.      John B. Bautista, ID: 10001,  57 years old, Male
2.      Ross G. De Leon, 10002, 47, F
3.      Raymond M. Dela Cruz, 90562, 25, M
4.      Sarah M. Pena, 56734, 45, F
5.      Jason K. Arioles, 23415, 24, M
6.      Roberto S. Juan, 34126, 45, M
7.      Morrie H. Jover, 90345, 29, M
8.      Jenn Y. Yu, 10006, 35, F
9.      Michelle K. De Leon, 10008, 27,F
For the last few months, Bautista-De Leon had few high profile clients:
1.      Nancy B. Benay, a politician, had asked for political advises from Atty. Dela Cruz and Atty. Pena.
2.      After the election, Mrs. Benay had then asked for Atty. Ross De Leon for regular advice.
3.      Krissy M. Akino, a celebrity, had filed for annulment with James A. Yup with the assistance of Atty. Bautista
4.      Pinky K. De Lion, another celebrity requested a draft for prenuptial agreement with her Fiance, Jake H. Keunca, with Atty. Pena’s assistance.
5.      Mr. Kuenca, on the other hand, had Atty. Arioles’ representation
6.      Pinoy M. Akino, a politician and Krissy’s brother has asked for Atty. Yu’s advice.
7.      Fanny K. Locson, a politician, had been accused of murder. He had sought help from Atty. Juan as Mr. Locson allegedly had been set up.

The firm had always internally classified their cases under three classes: Class A, for celebrity cases; Class B, for cases associated with politics; Class X, for criminal cases; and Class O, for those uncategorized.

Create a database that would record all the transactions in the firm. Then, create a query that would show all the transaction made and 4 queries, each showing cases categorized per classes.

NOTE that there is no need account the earnings of the firm.

DB: Bautista_DeLeon_<your lastname>

Criteria for Scoring:
Proper Database Structure
                              Naming Conventions                      15 pts
                              Content                                             10 pts
               Relationship                                                     5 pts
               Transaction                                                      5 pts
               Query per Class                                               10 pts
Mechanics                                                                       5 pts__ 
Total                                                                                 50 pts

Prepared by:

Mr. Rodolfo C. Eregia, Jr.

You may also visit my SkyDrive account for updates on more notes and references. (Link: http://sdrv.ms/18AUHgJ)

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